Prehistoric Sites, Indigenous Voices, and Preserving Identities: Using Sound Mapping to Engage with Indigenous Sites in North America


  • Mark J. Sciuchetti Jr. Jacksonville State University


Scattered along the Southeastern United States, thousands of stone wall and mound sites existed in the landscape long before explorers and subsequent settlers came to the area. These structures were formed by prehistoric indigenous people of the area and mark this area's cultural heritage and landscape as holding importance beyond the current development taking place.In this paper, I will explore the cultural landscape of Skeleton Mountain and the surrounding Mountain Longleaf National Wildlife Refuge, Alabama, USA. This site holds regional and national significance to the indigenous population's cultural heritage and the United States heritage. There have been ongoing development efforts with increasing human populations and changes in human development and settlement that pose a challenge to protecting and managing these cultural and historical sites. The use of sound mapping and place provides a way for us to communicate and educate others about the stories and histories of the indigenous peoples of North America and their imprint on the landscapes which still exist.

