Oxford, Bodeleian Library, Laud Misc. 243 Bede, "Historia ecclesiastica"; "Caedmon's Hymn"
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396. Oxford, Bodleian Library, Laud Misc. 243 (1301)
Bede, "Historia ecclesiastica"; "Caedmon's Hymn"
(Ker 341, Gneuss -]
HISTORY: Laud Misc. 243 (formerly Laud H38) is a 12c copy of Bede's "Historia ecclesiastica," with "Caedmon's Hymn" on f. 82v, written as a gloss in the hand of the main scribe. Ker dates the hand of "Caedmon's Hymn" to "s. xii1 ." The text of the "Historia" is a "Gloucester" version, but the text of the "Hymn," though corrupt in places, is consistent with the version found in the West-Saxon translation of the "Historia" (Dobbie 1937: 41; O'Brien O'Keeffe 1990: 37-38). The book once belonged to James Ussher (1581-1656) (see annotation on f. lr top, 'Jacobi Armachani') and was part of Laud's gift to the Bodleian in 1635. F. lr has Laud's inscription of ownership dated 1633.