Oxford, Bodleian Library Barlow 35 Calendaria; Alcuin, "Quaestiones in Genesim"; Glossaries; Ps. Cicero, "Synonyma;' Latin-OE glossaries

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A. N. Doane


347. Oxford, Bodleian Library Barlow 35 (6467)

Calendaria; Alcuin, "Quaestiones in Genesim";

Glossaries; Ps. Cicero, "Synonyma;' Latin-OE glossaries

[Ker 298, Gneuss 541]

HISTORY: Composite of four parts, consisting of 10c continental booklets with 11c A-S additions in the last. One 11c A-S hand added texts in parts C and D and another 11c A-S hand made an addition in Part D on f. 57/4f ('ic blowe') and in Part B on f. 23r (margin, 'wið'), indicating that parts B, C, D, at the least, have been together and in England since the 11c, and the insular scripts on f. lr indicate perhaps it was in England by the late 10c (Ker, Cat., p. 356; cf. Rella 1980: 113). Bischoff (1997: XCVII 2.2, fiche 47) thought the first part was English of s. x1 and the rest slightly later. Its place of origin and medieval provenance are unknown. It was given to the Bodleian in 1691 by Thomas Barlow ( 1607-1691; provost of Queen's College, Oxford, bishop ofLincoln from 1675).

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