München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek Cgm. 187 (e. 4) Part of the dispersed "Werden Glossary" with 484 Werden, Kath. Propsteigemeinde St. Ludgerus, Fragmente Nr. 2, etc.

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A. N. Doane


325. Miinchen, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek Cgm. 187 (e. 4)

Part of the dispersed "Werden Glossary"

with 484 Werden, Kath. Propsteigemeinde St. Ludgerus,

Fragmente Nr. 2, etc.

[Ker App. 39; Gneuss --]

HISTORY: Two bifolia, part of a dispersed glossary produced at Werden in the early 9c; for a full description of the history and reconstruction of the manuscript see 484. The Munich leaves, reused as binding materials in a manner similar in treatment to other "Werden" fragments released from bindings, were from an incunable, Boethius, De consolation philosphiae (Köln, Johann Koelhoffthe elder, 1488, [Bay. Staatsbibl. 2° Inc. c. a. 2021]), that had been in the possession of"Henricus Werdensis studens alme vniversitatis colonie" (see Bischoff et al. 1988: 22), identified as probably Henricus de Buderick who received his licenciate from Koln in 1508 and died as provost of Klaarwater in Gelderland in 1546 (Tiefenback 2006: 308). The volume was later part of the library of the Palatine Electors of Mannheim; the bookplate of Elector Karl Theodor ( 17 42-1777) is stuck on to f. 1 v. The royal library migrated to Munich in 1803. See Geldner 1964: cols. 728-42.

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