Sankt-Paul im Lavanttal, Stiftsarchiv 903/0 (29.4.8) with 132. Fulda, Hessische Landesbibliothek Aa.2 Glossaries, Formulae Augiensis Collectio B

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A. N. Doane


455. Sankt-Paul im Lavanttal,

Stiftsarchiv 903/0 (29.4.8)

with 132. Fulda, Hessische Landesbibliothek Aa.2

Glossaries, Formulae Augiensis Collectio B

[Ker App. 11; Gneuss --]

HISTORY: Two quires, originally part of Fulda, Hessische Landesbibliothek Aa.2, Part 3, fols. 20-35, where they belong after f. 35. The script is characterized by Bischoff (1998: no. 1313) as a Southwest German, Frenchinfluenced minuscule dating from the third quarter of the 9c. The glosses to Gregory's "Regula Pastoralis" added to the bottom margins of ff. 7v-10v date to the 9/10c.

The manuscript still had no shelfmark when described by Steinmeyer in 1922 as "Extrav. s[ine] n[umero]" (see Steinmeyer and Sieversl879-1922: 5.74-75). In the current Stiftsbibliothek shelfmark 903/0 the "/0" designates manuscripts "aus Alt St. Paul;' but according to Gri:ichenig et al. 1977: 523 this manuscript was at St. Blasien during the abbacy of Prince-Abbot Martin Gerbert (r. 1764-1793), possibly among the group of Reichenau manuscripts there. The Fulda manuscript is from the Konstanz Dombibliothek, but by 1630 was at Weingarten. The detached quires in St. Paul 903/0 came to the Stiftsarchiv in 1809, the year the monastery, suppressed by Joseph II in 1787 ( Gut 1991; Raschl 1919: 245-46), was reestablished by Benedictine monks from St. Blasien in the Black Forest, secularized in 1806. According to Gri:ichenig et al. 1977: 56, the use (in item 5) of formulae from Roman law suggests an Italian or West German origin for the formulary. At the bottom off. lr is the modern (18c?) notation 'SS. [saeculis] X. u. XI.' and the library stamp 'Archiv des Benedictiner-stiftes St. Paul.' The library stamp is also on the bottom off. 1 0v.

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