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Tertzakian, Peter
Tesfa, Zaena
Tessier, Michelle
Tessmer , Karlie
Theberge, Jeannette, Parks Canada
Thoen, Melissa
Thoen, Melissa, a:1:{s:5:"en_US";s:3:"SFU";}
Thomas, Deb, BCLA, Burnaby Public Library
Thomas, Deb, BCLA, CLA, ALA
Thompson, Graeme , University of Fraser Valley
Thompson, Larry
Thompson, Sara K.
Thornton, Emily
Thrift, Samantha C., University of Calgary
Tian, Ian Liujia, University of Toronto
Tiku, Neor
Tiwana, Amrit
Toffoletti, Kim, Deakin University
Toffoletti, Kim, Monash University
Tol, Richard S.J., Economic and Social Research Institute, Dublin, Ireland
Tominaga, Reiko
Tong, Trevor
Toor, Usama Naeem
Torigoe, Keiko, Aoyama Gakuin University, School of Cultural & Creative Studies
Torosian, Michael

26 - 50 of 77 items    << < 1 2 3 4 > >>