2022 Edition has been finalized and published!


We at Jove's Bodega are proud to announce the conclusion of our 2022 compendium! Finito! It's a new year!

Our goal has always been to deliver convenient, tasty treats from the bright minds of Philosophy, and it's no easy feat to keep it fresh and free. The editorial staff and the authors have volunteered their time to make this year's publication a moment to remember.

Yet we pride ourselves on being 24/7. Accepting submissions as they come and putting them on the shelf as soon as possible. This year we plan to celebrate our achievements in a symposium. The goal is to have the authors present, perhaps open a dialogue. More to come there. We are opening that the finalized product tantalizes others to consider submitting their original work with us. We also plan on diversifying this year, trying to bridge a larger community of philosophical discourse. 

However, we are also in need of editors, reviews, and so on since the curse of undergraduate activities demands fresh blood! 

Be on the look for new developments and the official Editorial edition of the 2022 Compendium shortly!
