The Indigenous Graduate Student Symposium Journal was founded in 2021 by Supporting Aboriginal Graduate Enhancement (SAGE) at The University of British Columbia (UBC) and Simon Fraser University (SFU) in British Columbia. This volume features a portion of permissioned abstracts from student presentations shared during the 19th Annual Indigenous Graduate Student Symposium (IGSS) which was hosted virtually on March 19, 2022. 

The 19th Annual IGSS theme was Indigenous Empowerment and Resurgence. Students presented on the following sub-themes:

  1. Indigenous Languages, Ceremonies, Pedagogical Practice, and Knowledge Systems for Healing Colonial Trauma
  2. Indigenizing the Academy (e.g., Pedagogies, Research, Policies) 
  3. Indigenous Resurgence (e.g., Health, Science, Mathematics Employment) 
  4. Indigenous Resilience during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Student-led and co-sponsored by UBC and SFU, the annual IGSS seeks to provide Indigenous graduate students a supportive and empowering environment grounded in Indigenous cultural values in which to share multidisciplinary research. It fosters peer-to-peer mentoring and supportive connections with emerging and established Indigenous scholars in the SAGE network. Students are invited to present finished and in-progress work connecting to annual symposium themes and sub-themes.


Published: 2023-09-29