À propos

Jove's Bodega is millennia old. Long before he was called Zeus, this mythic set up shop upon the most convenient mountain. A late-night purveyor of every philosophical desire, the shelves overflow with achievements from across humankind. And so it remains. A bell rings, the automatic doors retreat. The air smells an intoxicating mixture of metaphysics, ethics, epistemology and microwaved burritos. 


Numéro courantJove's Bodega: Compendium of Philosophical Inquiry, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2023

Publié-e January 22, 2024

Description du numéro

The Philosophy Student Union at Simon Fraser University is proud to present the inaugural publication of our undergraduate journal, Jove’s Bodega. This yearly publication celebrates the successes in student academics across Vancouver, BC, Canada, and strives for dialogue between disciplines as they relate to philosophy. 




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