Fifth-Generation Warfare and the Definitions of Peace
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Comment citer

Patel, A. (2021). Fifth-Generation Warfare and the Definitions of Peace. The Journal of Intelligence, Conflict, and Warfare, 2(2), 15–28.


The intent of this paper is to argue that postmodern warfare and fifth-generation warfare impact traditional notions of peace and conflict and therefore, a transformative approach to the definition of peace is required. The main objectives of this paper are three-fold: the first is to contend that where traditional notions of peace include the absence of kinetic violence exclusively, fifth-generation warfare and postmodern warfare encompass several different forms of combat; the second objective is to argue that in fifth-generation warfare conflict is perceived as not only intrastate disagreements but conflict between cultural groups taken across transnational borders. Finally, considering the above arguments, this paper concludes by suggesting that peacebuilding requires a need for peacebuilders to adapt a new definition of conflict and peace. Additionally, they need to concern themselves with changing the “belligerent and antagonistic attitudes that foster violent conflict at the grassroots level” (Bellamy et al, 2010).
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(c) Tous droits réservés Asmaa Patel 2019


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