Evolution of QAnon & Radicalization by Conspiracy Theories
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Moskalenko, S. (2021). Evolution of QAnon & Radicalization by Conspiracy Theories. The Journal of Intelligence, Conflict, and Warfare, 4(2), 109–114. https://doi.org/10.21810/jicw.v4i2.3756


On September 16, 2021, Dr. Moskalenko presented the Emergence and Evolution of QAnon & Radicalization by Conspiracy Theories at the 2021 CASIS Vancouver Defence Security Advisory Network Workshop. A key point of discussion was the growth of self-described “truth seeking” collectives such as QAnon. The QAnon collective has been growing in popularity at an alarming rate since the beginning of the pandemic, as the group uses multiple avenues to grow its network. Dr. Moskalenko discussed how the radicalization of individuals comes from conspiracy theories through the use of outlandish and striking conspiracies that act as entertainment, isolate individual from broader society and coincidentally, degrading mental health as a result of COVID-19. 

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