The Internationalisation of Far-Right Terror?
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Comment citer

Koehler, D. (2022). The Internationalisation of Far-Right Terror? History and Examples of International Far-Right Networks. The Journal of Intelligence, Conflict, and Warfare, 4(3), 116–121.


On November 24, Dr. Daniel Koehler presented The Internationalisation of Far-Right Terror? History and Examples of International Far-Right Networks at the 2021 CASIS West Coast Security Conference. The overarching discussion of Dr. Koehler’s presentation centered on ways that right-wing terrorism is developing, as well as the transnational aspects of far-right extremism. The presentation was followed by a question and answer period directed at a panel of presenters allowing an opportunity for audience members and CASIS Vancouver executives to engage with the content of each speaker’s presentation.
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