Deep learning small arms recognition
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Comment citer

Bajon, T. (2022). Deep learning small arms recognition: Development of a basic model and prospects for its use in the field of conventional disarmament. The Journal of Intelligence, Conflict, and Warfare, 5(1), 1–17.


The automated detection, recognition, and identification of small arms through deep learning tools is a recent process that seems to offer interesting possibilities in the field of conventional disarmament. As the field of research has so far mainly focused on detection models in the context of domestic security, it is interesting to explore, in this paper, the development of a basic small arms recognition model and its potential use in the field of conventional disarmament; this paper lays the foundations of a basic small arms recognition model through its development using deep learning tools and its experimental testing. The initial results of the basic model developed in this paper put in perspective the foundations for improvement towards a developed recognition model and towards a complex identification model of small arms. Moreover, this paper also puts in perspective the potential of such models in the field of conventional disarmament.

Received: 2022-02-17
Revised: 2022-03-23
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