Online Neighbourhood Patrol
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Comment citer

Macdonald, K. (2022). Online Neighbourhood Patrol: How to Best Understand the Changing Online Social Contract. The Journal of Intelligence, Conflict, and Warfare, 4(3), 227–232.


On November 25, 2021, Kathy Macdonald (M.O.M.), former Calgary Police officer, presented on How to Best Understand the Changing Online Social Contract at the 2021 CASIS West Coast Security Conference. The presentation was followed by a question and answer period and a breakout room session with questions from the audience and CASIS Vancouver executives. The key points discussed included the knowledge, skills, and abilities required for police work in dealing with forensic cyber investigations and processing digital evidence, as well as building community relationships.
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(c) Tous droits réservés Kathy Macdonald 2022


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