Would artificial intelligence make strategy ‘less human’?
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Comment citer

Hodgins, J. (2022). Would artificial intelligence make strategy ‘less human’?. The Journal of Intelligence, Conflict, and Warfare, 5(1), 75–84. https://doi.org/10.21810/jicw.v5i1.4212


This article discusses the influence of artificial intelligence (AI)—specifically Narrow AI—in the formulation of strategy arguing that there is not a straightforward answer to the question posited in the title. The Impact of Narrow AI in strategic decision-making will not fundamentally alter the nature of strategy due to the impossibility to program human faculties such as rationality and intentionality. Notwithstanding, the article concludes that ethical issues in the global environment will sustain the basis of strategy primarily as a human and political activity for the foreseeable future. Firstly, this piece reviews overarching definitions. Secondly, it discusses how Narrow AI affects strategy’s formulation through the predictive power already developed; three illustrative examples substantiate the elaboration. Thirdly, it discusses how ethical factors limit Narrow AI’s influence at the core of strategy so that it remains a human activity first and foremost. Discussions related to tactical applications of AI—for example, drones—are out of the scope of this analysis.

Received: 2022-03-15
Revised: 2022-04-25

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(c) Tous droits réservés Julia Hodgins 2022


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