The Increased National Threat of Domestic, Right-Wing Extremist Terrorism
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Comment citer

Manz, C. (2018). The Increased National Threat of Domestic, Right-Wing Extremist Terrorism. The Journal of Intelligence, Conflict, and Warfare, 1(1), 139–144.


Right-wing extremism (RWE) presents a national Canadian threat, requiring research and Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) programming, which Canadian security and intelligence is arguably failing to recognize and address. A rise in RWE activity, in response to U.S and European right-wing movements is occurring across the country, and Canada is at-risk for a large RWE attack, or series of attacks. Canada could be perceived to be ill-equipped against such attacks unless its security, intelligence, and law enforcement agencies begin to investigate and take seriously the RWE threat.
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