Malign Influence Operations in Narrative Warfare
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Comment citer

Daniele, J. (2022). Malign Influence Operations in Narrative Warfare. The Journal of Intelligence, Conflict, and Warfare, 5(2), 184–189.


On July 21, 2022, John Daniele, the Managing Director of DNC Cybersecurity and President of Progressive World Federalists, presented on Malign Influence Operations in Narrative Warfare. Following the presentation, a question-and-answer period ensued wherein questions were collected from the audience and CASIS-Vancouver executives. The major points discussed throughout the event included how malign influence manipulates public opinion and causes social disruption; the key tools used in this form of persuasion; the online network effect of operations that involve fake accounts and state-sponsored trolling; and possible solutions to malign influence operations.
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(c) Tous droits réservés John Daniele 2022


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