Canada's Energy Security in the Context of Global Instability
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Comment citer

Tertzakian, P. (2022). Canada’s Energy Security in the Context of Global Instability. The Journal of Intelligence, Conflict, and Warfare, 5(2), 190–193.


On August 18, 2022, the Canadian Association for Security and Intelligence Studies (CASIS)-Vancouver hosted a Digital Roundtable titled Canada's Energy Security in the Context of Global Instability. This event was conducted by Peter Tertzakian, Deputy Director of the ARC Energy Research Institute. Mr. Tertzakian’s presentation was followed by a moderated question-and-answer period in which the audience was able to deepen their understanding of the topic. The discussion centred around the dependency that societies have on energy, how countries have managed to cover their energy demands, and its effects on the geopolitical landscape.
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(c) Tous droits réservés Peter Tertzakian 2022


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