Resiliency to Vulnerabilities and Violence in the Caribbean
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Comment citer

Knight, W. A. (2022). Resiliency to Vulnerabilities and Violence in the Caribbean. The Journal of Intelligence, Conflict, and Warfare, 5(2), 209–213.


On September 8, 2022, Dr. W. Andy Knight, a distinguished professor of International Relations in the Department of Political Science at the University of Alberta, presented on Resiliency to Vulnerabilities and Violence in the Caribbean. The presentation was followed by a question-and-answer period from the audience and CASIS Vancouver executives that delved into discussions on important dimensions currently affecting the Caribbean, such as transitioning from independent state-based security to regional security cooperation; developing financial stability amongst Caribbean nations; and promoting inclusiveness of Caribbean Canadians, along with an understanding of the diversity and needs of the population within the Caribbean.
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