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Comment citer

Peters, M. (2023). DIVERSITY DISCUSSION: INTENTIONALITY AND BLINDSPOTS. The Journal of Intelligence, Conflict, and Warfare, 5(3), 145–148. https://doi.org/10.21810/jicw.v5i3.5185


On November 22, 2022, Dr. Michael Peters, Director of the Naval Reserve Professional Development and Mentorship Program for the Royal Canadian Navy presented Diversity Discussion: Intentionality and Blindspots. The presentation was followed by a question-and-answer period with questions from the audience and CASIS Vancouver executives. The key points discussed were the benefits and challenges surrounding Diversity and Inclusion programs, the need for intentionality and accountability in the creation and implementation of the programs, and the ways in which role modelling and mentorship from those in leadership positions helps to foster and sustain an environment conducive to diversity and inclusion.


Received: 2022-12-30
Revised: 2023-01-05

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(c) Tous droits réservés Michael Peters 2023


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