Radicalization Convoy: Concerns Of Domestic Extremism In Canada.
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Comment citer

Shaikh, M. (2023). Radicalization Convoy: Concerns Of Domestic Extremism In Canada. The Journal of Intelligence, Conflict, and Warfare, 6(1), 49–52. https://doi.org/10.21810/jicw.v6i1.5404


On January 20, 2023, Mubin Shaikh, Professor at Seneca College's School of Public Safety, presented Radicalization Convoy: Concerns Of Domestic Extremism In Canada. The key points discussed were the historical presence and evolution of extremism in Canada, the 2022 Freedom Convoy as a recent expression of a larger and interconnected history of extremism in the West, and recommendations as to how the security and intelligence community can address the extremist threat.

Received: 2023-05-13

Revised: 2023-05-18

pdf (English)
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(c) Tous droits réservés Mubin Shaikh 2023


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