Ouvrir une session ou S'inscrire pour pouvoir faire une soumission.

Liste de vérification de la soumission

Les auteurs-es doivent s'assurer de la conformité de leur soumission avec l'ensemble des éléments suivants. Les soumissions non conformes pourraient être retournées aux auteurs-es.
  • The submission has not been previously published, or it has been indicated where and when it has been previously published.
  • Written submissions should be uploaded as a Microsoft Word document. Artwork, photography, and graphic story submissions should be uploaded as JPEG or PNG files. Optional: graphic stories may be submitted in PDF format for easier viewing, however JPEG or PNG versions must also be included.
  • A SEPARATE Microsoft Word document including your name, educational institution, program of study, and a short 3-sentence bio is uploaded IN ADDITION to files meant for review. Please title your submission file as "[title of work] lyre15" and the bio file as "[firstname familyname] bio lyre15". For example, the artwork file can be named as "Self Portrait with Monkey lyre15" and the bio file as "Frida Kahlo bio lyre15". 
  • Text submissions are formatted as follows: Times New Roman, 12 pt. font, with standard indentations and paragraph format where applicable. For any emphasized text or foreign terms, please use italics rather than underlining. Excerpts of written work are welcome.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
  • Your name is NOT included in the file submitted for publication review. We take no responsibility for your anonymity; that is your responsibility.

Directives aux auteurs-es

This year we are publishing under the theme On the Record.

Final Submission Deadline: April 8th, 2024

Lyre Magazine publishes work by undergraduate writers and artists and SFU graduates. Non-undergraduate students who are not SFU students may also submit; priority will be given to undergrads. We accept short stories, essays, travelogues, translations, poetry, short-form graphic novels, plays and monologues, and other written genres, as well as photography and visual artwork.


Appendix: Editing Guide

The purpose of The Lyre Magazine is not to do 'creative' editing, such as character and plot development, but rather "objective" editing, that looks for proofing, clarity, and flow within the author's work. 


*When submitting, please note that there will be instances where the editorial team may make changes to your submission. In this case, the Editors-in-Chief will send you the proposed changes, whereupon you will be given a week to review and modify according to the suggestions.


**As mentioned in the submissions chart above, The Lyre welcomes excerpts for works longer than 4 pages. When submitting prose, please submit the entire literary work and highlight in BOLD the proposed excerpt. Please note that excerpts will be subjected to revision. Editors will accept or reject the proposed excerpt, and may suggest another excerpt within your work.



  • Max. 1 page

Prose (Excerpts welcome) 

  • Max. 4 pages
  • For pieces longer than 4 pages, submit the entire work and indicate the preferred excerpt in bold*
  • Excerpts are subject to revision**


  • Max. 4 pages
  • All citations must be done in  MLA (8th ed.) format

Graphic Story

  • Max. 2 pages
  • JPEG or PNG format
  • Optional: PDF version for easier viewing. Please specify in the “notes to the editor” section that this PDF has been included. Note that the layout of panels may change according to the needs of our publication. 

Screenplays/Scripts/Monologues (Excerpts welcome)

  • Max. 4 pages
  • Excerpts are subject to revision**


  • Max. 4 pages
  • Submit original along with translation
  • Submissions will only be considered if The Lyre can find someone to read and translate them (if necessary)


  • Must be scanned and submitted in JPEG or PNG format
  • Low resolution allowed for submission.
  • Accepted submissions will be required to submit high resolution versions for publishing
  • Specify if a piece is a cover submission in the “notes to the editor” section of the submissions page. Cover submissions will also be considered for publication within the magazine

Digital Art (Typography)

  • JPEG or PNG format
  • High resolution
  • All text must be outlined 

NOTE: Ensure that your name is not included in your file meant for publication review. Upload a separate Microsoft Word document that includes your name, educational institution (if applicable), program of study and short 3-sentence bio. Please title your submission file as "[title of work] lyre15" and the bio file as "[firstname familyname] bio lyre15". For example, the artwork file can be named as "Self Portrait with Monkey lyre15" and the bio file as "Frida Kahlo bio lyre15". 


Déclaration de confidentialité

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.