A Look into Independent Bookselling with Hilary Atleo, Co-Owner of Iron Dog Books
a green cover with a glitch art style showing a person sitting at a desk with cell phone and TV
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Comment citer

Roman Torres, D. ., & Aristizabal Castaneda, . S. . (2021). A Look into Independent Bookselling with Hilary Atleo, Co-Owner of Iron Dog Books. The Lyre, 12. Consulté à l’adresse https://journals.lib.sfu.ca/index.php/lyre/article/view/3834


In this conversation with The Lyre, co-owner of Iron Dog Books Hilary Atleo discusses the challenges of running a business during the COVID-19 pandemic, supporting Indigenous literature, and the power of the local book shop. 

PDF (English)
Licence Creative Commons

Cette œuvre est sous licence Creative Commons Attribution - Pas d'Utilisation Commerciale 4.0 International.

(c) Tous droits réservés Daniela Roman Torres, Sara Aristizabal Castaneda 2021