Changes in threat/control-override delusions, substance use, and violence

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Leanne Rose Vibar


Evidence for an association between major mental illness and violence has grown over the past few decades. However, the specific findings on the nature of this relation vary drastically across studies. Given the increase of patients being treated in community settings, it is important inform appropriate decision-making practices in risk assessment. Several studies have suggested that a specific set of psychotic symptoms, threat/control-override (TCO) delusions, may explain the increased risk of violence among those with mental illness. However, studies have also shown that substance use, a significant risk factor for violence among those with and without mental illness, may largely explain relationship between TCO delusions and violence. To explore this issue, the current study will use data from the MacArthur Risk Assessment study, a prospective, longitudinal study that investigated the risk of violence among discharged psychiatric patients. Identifying and understanding the most significant risk factors is important for informing risk prevention, management, and treatment.

Faculty Supervisor: Dr. Kevin Douglas, Department of Psychology, Simon Fraser University

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