Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
The submission adheres to each of the 'General' requirement as outlined in the Submission Guidelines
The submission file is in .doc or .docx format; and, documents have been anonymized by removing the author’s name from all pages and the document file (except on the OJS submission form, or on a title page which, if integral to the project, can be submitted independently through OJS)
The text is double-spaced; uses a 12-point Times New Roman font; and, includes page numbers at the top right of each page’s header (not including the title page)
The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Submission Guidelines.
Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
The submission includes a 150-250 word Abstract summarizing the paper’s argument, methods, and conclusion, and contains a maximum of 6 keywords after the abstract
Author Guidelines
Submission Guidelines:
Adherence to these guidelines is the first step in the review process.
- All parts of a submission must have been written by an undergraduate student;
- Manuscripts must not have been published elsewhere, nor can it be under consideration for publication with another journal;
- Manuscripts must be within the scope of Gadfly (which accepts all subfields of Political Science) and;
- Manuscripts must be the author’s original and authentic work. All outside ideas must be cited in proper format and all SFU Political Science plagiarism protocols must be followed.
Document Formatting
- Manuscripts are limited to 10,000 words, excluding in-text citations, footnotes, and bibliography;
- Publications should adhere to Chicago, APA, APSA, ASA, MLA citation styles;
- Submissions should be in .doc or .docx format to ease the review and editing process; Documents must be anonymized by removing the author’s name from all pages,
- excepting on the OJS submission form, or on a title page which, if integral to the project, can be submitted independently through OJS;
- Manuscripts should be written in English, using 12-point Times New Roman font and double-spaced to ensure consistency and legibility, and;
- Submissions should include page numbers at the top right of each page’s header. Do not include the title page in the page count.
Paper Organization
- Research papers should adhere to the following structure:
- Abstract & Keywords (see below);
- Introduction;
- Literature review;
- Research methods;
- Findings and Discussion;
- Conclusion.
- Reviews/critiques of existing works should adhere to the following structure:
- Keywords;
- An Introduction, including the original article’s main findings and a brief explanation of the submitter’s evaluation;
- A summary that describes the authors’ aims and main findings;
- A critique based on the strengths, weaknesses, and notable features of the text and/or research design, and;
- A conclusion
- Holding to these structures will help facilitate a smoother review.
Abstract & Keywords
- Include an abstract that offers a summary of the paper’s argument, methods, and conclusion. Abstracts should range from 150-250 words, and;
- Include a maximum of six keywords after the abstract. Ensure your keywords are as specific as possible to your research to accurately represent the content of the submission.
- If a faculty member approved the manuscript for submission, please include their name (and email) in the submission.
Privacy Statement
The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.