Vol. 2 No. 1 (2019): The Influence of Non-State Actors on State Legitimacy
The Influence of Non-State Actors on State Legitimacy

The Journal of Intelligence, Conflict, and Warfare Volume 2, Issue 1 entitiled "The Influence of Non-State Actors on State legitimacy" zeros in on the contemporary threats, as well, influential factors impacting centralized state government's authority and ultimately, state legitimacy. Multifaceted, non-state-based networks contain a new transitional power, due to the democratization of information, which could be seen to challenge the legitimacy of states and their institutions. 

The rationale behind this issue is to understand when and why citizens are likely to question or withdraw their support for a state's legitimacy, requires an investigation of social norms. The legitimacy of states is brought into question when non-state-based networks such as criminal syndicates take over state functions such as financially supporting communities and keeping them safe. Therefore, this issue will be exploring such topics in the form of academic papers and practitioners briefing notes. 


JICW Editor-in-Chief
Candyce Kelshall