Black Media Literacy and the Pedagogy of Healing

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Balqees Jama


This paper was originally written for Dr. Jennesia Pedri Communications 120W course Creativity and Communication Across Media. The assignment asked students to apply their knowledge of media literacy to address or intervene in a specific issue. The paper uses APA citation style.

This paper explores the transformative potential of media literacy as a liberatory tool for Black communities in North America. Media literacy offers a protective mechanism for Black media consumers of all ages, acting as a shield against the pervasive internalization of harmful stereotypes perpetuated in mass media. Proficiency in media literacy and production strengthens Black communities’ self and group esteem by providing agency to create empowering counter-narratives through authentic self-expression, subverting dominant narratives. Media literacy serves as a tool to combat internalized anti-Black racism and enrich the pedagogy of healing.

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Middle Years Category (30-89 credits)