Comité éditorial


Monica Bhattacharjee

Monica is a PhD candidate in Educational Theory and Practice at Simon Fraser University. She has over a decade of teaching experience in high school as well as in adult education. Her research weaves intersubjective second-person pedagogies with contemplative self-inquiry-based wisdom practices to explore their combined potential for alleviating a range of intersubjective dysfunctionalities - ranging from motivated cognition and outgroup prejudice to partisanship and ideological extremism. In the process, she looks into aspects such as conditioned consciousness, kleshic stickiness, fluid centres of subject-object relations, identity, and ideology. Her affinity for AntiChamber stems from the desire to look at the world from lenses other than her own and engage in a process of belief-based identity-decentering in the spirit of genuine democratic dialogue and meaningful inquiry.

Scott Bowering 

Scott is a Vancouver-based educator and visual artist who is currently a PhD candidate in Educational Theory and Practice at Simon Fraser University. His research interests in both the educational and arts-related fields extend to contemplative inquiry, the psychology and somatic experience of material practices, and philosophy of science. He has taught in the Faculty of Education at SFU since 2018, as well as the School for the Contemporary Arts at SFU and Emily Carr University since 2005.

Kesha Pradhan

Kesha is a PhD student in the Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology, and Special Education at the University of British Columbia. Her research interests are in the emotion and emotion regulation, culture, and philosophy of science in psychology. She is eager to be part of AntiChamber's editorial team with the hopes that providing a space for open, honest, and evidence-based dialogue that differs from mainstream conventions can facilitate understanding and support meaningful progress that considers a variety of perspectives.

Steven Zhao 

Steven is a PhD student at Simon Fraser University currently studying philosophy of education. He is primarily interested in elaborating upon educational issues and meanings through existential and dialectical phenomenology. His research has examined/is currently examining the transformative processes of religious conversion/political radicalization, dialogical ethics, educational implications of cognitive science, contemplative pedagogy (i.e. particularly with regards to its history of modernism), and processes of virality/homophily/memetics concerning liberal democracy as a value. He is committed to supporting spaces that enshrine open inquiry and dialogues that are simultaneously inclusive of diverse voices and firmly rigorous in the scrutiny of their soundness.