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Looking to Publish with SFU Educational Review?

Our call for submissions for the 2024 General Issue is currently open!

We invite emerging and established scholars/practitioners to submit their work that has been informed by educational theories, pedagogies, and practices. Our journal welcomes a range of formats including, but not limited to, research articles, book reviews, interview dialogues, and arts-based explorations. In addition to conventional empirical and philosophical inquiries, we embrace contributions that foster discussion and reflection, being pursued or presented in ways that are considered untraditional in academia or are shorter than usual, in line with our commitment to inclusivity within our academic community. 

Articles submitted by August 31, 2024, will be given priority for publication in our December 2024 issue. Submissions received after the preferred deadline will still be considered for publication in subsequent issues in 2025. 

Submissions will be reviewed by experts in the field. Please review and read the guidelines regarding submissions to our open-source journal. 

Expected Publication: December, 2024 

Please direct inquiries to managing editors, Chunhong Liu and Anna Rumjahn at 

Submission checklist for articles

  • SFU EdReview accepts manuscripts of up to 9,000 words including abstract, and appendixes. References are not counted in the word limit. For reviews the word count should is 2,000 words. For multimedia work, we require a written text to contextualize the work between 500-1,500 words.
  • All text must be double-spaced. Type size must be at least 12 point in Times New Roman with 1-inch margins on all sides, and paper size should be set to 8.5 x 11, even if printed on A4 paper.
  • The journal defers to author preference in decisions about the naming and capitalization of racial, ethnic, and cultural groups. Manuscripts should be internally consistent in this regard.
  • For all manuscripts, authors should use the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association for reference and citation formats. References must be in APA format. Manuscripts with references and/or citations in another form will be returned to the author(s).
  • We recommend Purdue OWL as a quick APA reference:
  • Manuscripts are considered anonymously. The author’s name must not appear anywhere in the manuscript; any references that identify the author in the text must be either deleted or made anonymous (e.g., instead of citing “Smith, 1972,” cite “Author, 1972”). Please do not submit a title page as part of your manuscript.
  • Keywords: Immediately after the abstract, provide a maximum of six keywords.  These keywords will be used for indexing and to improve searchability of the submission through the journal system and Google.

Review Process

SFU Ed Review has a three-stage review process. Submissions are first assessed for any unique technical production required for their publication. They are then subject to an initial blind review stage after which the author is informed whether the submission is “accepted as is”, “accepted with revision” or “declined”. The submission is returned to the author who then works with the Editor to ensure that the Reviewer comments are sufficiently addressed.

Articles and other types of scholarships submitted to SFU Educational Review must not be submitted simultaneously to other journals

Copyright Notice

The copyright for content in SFU Educational Review is retained by the author(s), with first publication rights granted to the SFU Educational Review. By virtue of the open access policy of SFU Educational Review, content may be used by others with proper attribution (to both the author and SFU Educational Review) for educational and other non-commercial use. No restrictions are placed on reuse of content by the author(s).

All contributors to the SFU Educational Review are required to sign an author contract.

Submission Procedure

SFU Educational Review Journal uses an electronic submission process. To submit a manuscript for consideration, please visit: and follow the specific instructions for your intended manuscript type.

Publication and Submission Fees:

There is no publication and submission fees for submissions from authors to this journal.  

Submission guidelines for articles and other types of scholarships

  • SFUEdR accepts manuscripts of up to 9,000 words including abstract, and appendixes. References are not counted in the word limit.
  • All text must be double-spaced. Type size must be at least 12 point in Times New Roman with 1-inch margins on all sides, and paper size should be set to 8.5 x 11, even if printed on A4 paper.
  • The journal defers to author preference in decisions about the naming and capitalization of racial, ethnic, and cultural groups. Manuscripts should be internally consistent in this regard.
  • For all manuscripts, authors should use the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association for reference and citation formats. References must be in APA format. Manuscripts with references and/or citations in another form will be returned to the author(s).
  • We recommend Purdue OWL as a quick APA reference:
  • Authors should indicate whether they are submitting their manuscript as a research article, an essay, a feature, a Voices: Reflective Accounts of Education article, an essay review, or a book review.
  • Manuscripts are considered anonymously. The author’s name must not appear anywhere in the manuscript; any references that identify the author in the text must be either deleted or made anonymous (e.g., instead of citing “Smith, 1972,” cite “Author, 1972”). Please do not submit a title page as part of your manuscript.
  • Keywords: Immediately after the abstract, provide a maximum of six keywords.  These keywords will be used for indexing and to improve searchability of the submission through the journal system and Google

Book Review Submission Guidelines

Book reviews should not exceed 1,500 to 2,000 words and should be typed using double-space, 12-point, Times New Roman font. Please see the most recent APA style guide for any references and in-text citations.

Other Types of Submissions (poetry, stories, interviews, videos, performances, etc.)

Submissions of these types must be accompanied by written text to contextualize the work.  Written text should be a minimum of 500 words and a maximum of 1000 words.

Review Process

SFU Ed Review has a three-stage review process. Submissions are first assessed for any unique technical production required for their publication. They are then subject to a double-blinded review stage after which the author is informed whether the submission is “accepted as is”, “accepted with revision” or “declined”. The submission is returned to the author who then works with the Editor to ensure that the Reviewer comments are sufficiently addressed.

Articles and other types of scholarships submitted to SFU Educational Review must not be submitted simultaneously to other journals.

Copyright Notice

The copyright for content in SFU Educational Review is retained by the author(s), with first publication rights granted to the SFU Educational Review. By virtue of the open access policy of SFU Educational Review, content may be used by others with proper attribution (to both the author and SFU Educational Review) for educational and other non-commercial use. No restrictions are placed on reuse of content by the author(s).

All contributors to the SFU Educational Review are required to sign an author contract.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party

SFU Educational Review Plagiarism Policy

Plagiarism is a serious offense that undermines the integrity of academic research and publication. This policy outlines the guidelines and expectations for authors, reviewers, and editors regarding the prevention and detection of plagiarism in articles submitted to SFU Educational Review. It is essential to maintain the highest standards of academic integrity to ensure the credibility and reliability of the journal.

Plagiarism is defined as presenting someone else's work, ideas, or intellectual property as one's own without proper acknowledgment, regardless of whether it is done with or without the original author's consent. Plagiarism includes, but is not limited to:

a) Verbatim copying of text, data, or other media without proper citation and quotation marks.
b) Paraphrasing or summarizing another person's work without appropriate attribution.
c) Using images, illustrations, graphs, computer code, or any other material without proper acknowledgment.
d) Self-plagiarism, which involves reusing one's own previously published work without citation or permission, unless explicitly allowed by the journal.

i) Authors must ensure that their submissions are original and properly cited.
ii) Properly attribute and cite all sources, including their own previous work.
iii) Obtain permission for the use of copyrighted material and provide appropriate acknowledgments.
iv) Clearly identify and reference any collaborative work or contributions from others.

i) Reviewers should promptly report any suspicions or concerns regarding plagiarism to the journal editor.
ii) Evaluate the originality of the manuscript and notify the editor of any potential cases of plagiarism.

i) Editors are responsible for ensuring that all submitted articles undergo thorough plagiarism checks.
ii) Utilize plagiarism detection software, such as Turnitin or similar tools, to screen all submissions.
iii) Investigate any suspected cases of plagiarism and take appropriate actions as outlined in this policy. iv) Maintain confidentiality and handle plagiarism allegations with fairness and impartiality.

Plagiarism Detection and Handling Procedures Initial Plagiarism Check:
i) All submitted articles will undergo an initial plagiarism check using reliable plagiarism detection software.
ii) The results will be reviewed by the editor to identify potential instances of plagiarism. Suspected

Plagiarism: i
) If plagiarism is suspected, the editor will conduct a detailed analysis to determine the extent and severity of the plagiarism.
ii) The author(s) will be notified and given an opportunity to respond to the allegations within a specified timeframe.

Plagiarism Investigation:
i) The editor will investigate the matter further by comparing the allegedly plagiarized content with the original source(s) or previously published work.
ii) If plagiarism is confirmed, the editor will take appropriate actions, which may include but are not limited to:

- Rejecting the manuscript.
- Retracting previously published articles found to be plagiarized.
- Informing the author's institution or employer about the misconduct.
- Banning the author(s) from future submissions to the journal.

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