Synergistic, ecological education development: The Vietnam Consortium Fellowship Program

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Allan MacKinnon


This article presents an analysis of a learning community that formed in a project in science curriculum development at the tertiary level in Vietnam during the nineties. This ‘Vietnamese Consortium Fellowship Program’ was funded by the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) and delivered through Simon Fraser University (SFU) from 1993 to 1999. The aim of the project was to develop and implement a master of science (MSc) program in science curriculum research for twenty young professors of science selected from among the eleven universities of the consortium to assist in developing an educationally sound, up-to-date basic science curriculum for the initial phase of post-secondary science education in Vietnam.


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How to Cite
MacKinnon, A. (2016). Synergistic, ecological education development: The Vietnam Consortium Fellowship Program. SFU Educational Review, 9.