Difficult Parents Make Me Feel Good: A Narrative on Reflective Teaching Practice

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Craig Geddes


This article refers to the complex nature of the practice of teaching with specific reference to the (sometimes) unpleasant task of dealing with high-demand parents. Because many aspects of teaching practice are beyond the immediate control of the teacher, there is utility in discussing how difficult circumstances can be understood in ways that add value to teaching practice, rather than allowing such circumstances to remain negative at the risk of accumulating more and more frustration in one’s teaching practice. The article focuses on how to maintain a positive outlook while going through what could be considered to be negative experiences. Three hypothetical scenarios are presented. The author has taught at the elementary, middle, secondary and post-secondary levels in the Greater Vancouver area, and is currently a doctoral candidate at Simon Fraser University.


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How to Cite
Geddes, C. (2014). Difficult Parents Make Me Feel Good: A Narrative on Reflective Teaching Practice. SFU Educational Review, 7. https://doi.org/10.21810/sfuer.v7i.376